The BIG Head Trivia at YOUR Venue!

Why book us?

We don’t just slap together a list of boring questions; we concoct a multimedia trivia experience that builds a loyal following of punters that return week after week.

What’s our recipe for success?  

  • 2 cups of useless fun facts
  • A sprinkling of drawing challenges
  • A pinch of musical reversies; plus
  • 1 big HOOK!

Our focus is getting bums on seats in your venue, especially on those notoriously quiet weekday nights, and we do this by delivering content that speaks to a broad range of patrons. From history nerds, to movie buffs, to sports freaks and musical geniuses; there’s something for everyone!

We keep things spicy by changing up the segments on a regular basis, making sure the entertainment factor that our players love is expertly delivered by witty and engaging hosts.

If you’re thinking about starting a trivia night at your venue, or looking to switch providers, give us a call, shoot us through an email or send a carrier pigeon and we’ll discuss all the nitty gritty details!